Principal Investigator
Lisa Goodrich Postdoctoral Fellows Austen Sitko Lauren Kreeger Gabriel Enrique Romero Joy Franco Zack DeLoughery Isle Bastille Mariah Hazlett Graduate Students Olubusola Olukoya Taylor Copeland Katelyn C. Boulanger Cynthia Moncada-Reid Jessica Dixon Yi-Chia Huang Staff Ryan Merrow Former Lab Members |
Research Interests:
I am interested in how the nervous system is organized - what key cells or molecules inform that organization and how organization may dictate or influence function. I also have a soft spot for glia which we still do not fully understand in the field. My work in the lab straddles these two interests. Using the embryonic mouse cochlea as a model, I examine the role of glia in guiding the outgrowth of spiral ganglion neuron processes towards cochlea hair cells during development. Fun Facts:
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Velvet Ice Cream's Raspberry Fudge Cordial. If anyone finds where I can buy this in Boston, they win. What do they win you ask? Don't ask. What superpower do you wish you had? I wish I could see the future. I feel like I won't be as stressed out about what is going to happen (how my life will turn out? If I will ever become a PI?) if I knew the outcome. I would just enjoy watching the future unravel. Also, I can know on time which experiments to pursue and which to put aside if I know what the result will be. |