Principal Investigator
Lisa Goodrich Postdoctoral Fellows Austen Sitko Lauren Kreeger Gabriel Enrique Romero Joy Franco Zack DeLoughery Isle Bastille Mariah Hazlett Graduate Students Olubusola Olukoya Taylor Copeland Katelyn C. Boulanger Cynthia Moncada-Reid Jessica Dixon Yi-Chia Huang Staff Ryan Merrow Former Lab Members |
Research Interests:
I'm fascinated by sensory neurons and understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that allow them to faithfully perform their tasks in the neural circuit despite persistent use. My research in the area began by studying proprioceptors in Dr. Katherine Wilkinson's Lab at SJSU and continued in my PhD work studying touch receptor neurons under the advisement of Dr. Miriam Goodman at Stanford University. In my postdoctoral work I am building on this knowledge by studying the dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons and the Type I spiral ganglion neurons of the cochlea. I am interested in the neuroprotective mechanisms that enable sensory neurons to withstand decades of use and in applying my engineering skills to optimize technical approaches for answering these questions. Fun Facts:
What superpower do you wish you had? The superpower I wish I had would be to move at the speed of light. What fictional universe would you like to visit or be a part of? Marvel Comic Universe |